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Pure Power Gummy Wildberry 25mg Delta 9 THCp

Regular price $4.99 Indica
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Delta 8 THC restrictions - Delta 8 products cannot be shipped to AK, AZ, CO, DE, ID, IL, IA, KS, MI, NV, NY, ND, RI, UT, VT.

THCa restrictions - THCa products cannot be shipped to AR, HI, MN, OR, and RI.

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This product is extremely potent and not for the faint of heart. Heed our warning.

Faded Fractal has mouth-watering Wild Berry Flavored, high powered Pure Power Gummies that will punch your lights out. Truly an experience that are designated for cannabis connoisseurs with a tolerance. Enjoy relaxing effects that are felt from head to toe!

Flavor Profile:

Fresh, juicy, and fruity flavored wild berry gummies. Very minimal hemp taste.


Expect very potent and heavy effects. Tends to start as an uplifting euphoria before transforming into a full body, relaxing sensation.

Serving Content:

1 Package contains 1 gummy. 1 gummy = 20mg Delta 9 THC 5mg THCp


Sugar, Tapioca Syrup, Corn Syrup, Water, Pectin, Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Fruit and Vegetable Extract (Color), Hemp Derived D9 and THCp Extracts.

Cannabinoid Information

Frequently Asked Questions

General questions

What is the best product?

The best product is different from one person to another. Someone who likes something relaxing, like an Indica strain would not like an uplifting, sativa strain.

What is the strongest product?

Each product has different recommended dosages, and you can increase dosage as needed. When shopping, it is smarter to look for product based on desired effect rather than potency.

How can I verify the authenticity of this product?

You can find a Certificate of Analysis (COA) on the last slide of the product’s pictures.

Edible questions

How do I have the best edible experience?

Set the stage for yourself and have a plan for what you will be doing when the edible activates. If your plan is to relax, maybe you set up a movie and sit/lay down. Ultimately, you do not want to be in a setting where you are uncomfortable.

How long does it take for an edible to take effect?

Most edibles take about an hour or so to metabolize. Everyone will metabolize at their own rate, and there are factors like previous food in stomach which can increase the time until effects are felt. Some edibles like drinks, syrup, and hard candy aren’t metabolized the same way, and take less time.

Edible THC / CBD use warning

Edible products should be dosed with caution. Advise serving sizes and refrain from adding more edibles until several hours have passed. Effects may take up to 4 hours to appear. "One is fun, Two is done".

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Dead M.W. (Cookeville, TN, US)
Death Gummies???

Just like Emily from Dunlap, TN I took the Blue Rasberry gummy from Faded Fractal not fully realizing what I was getting myself into. *NOTE* The warning label on the back is to be taken seriously and is no joke...I just thought such warnings were marketing puffery...I couldn't have been more wrong.

I ate this gummy and waited for about 30min or so for the effects to kick in. I noticed that I was getting a bit drowsy but that was about it. Approximately 2 hours later I woke up vomiting in my hand to keep from messing up the carpet. I laid back down and could feel the rotation of the galaxy. At some point I went to get up for something and as leaned over to step out of bed I had the sudden and very vivid awareness that the ride was over. I knew without question or doubt that I had reached the end of the proverbial line and that the number of my days had come to a sudden end. I wasn't upset, I wasn't fearful, my feet were not on fire, but I wasn't surrounded by angels either. I was fully cognizant and aware that I was either dead, in the throws of death, or about to die. I'm not entirely sure whether I was in my body or out of it but I was thoroughly convinced (and still am to some degree) that I was somewhere between here and eternity.

A myriad of thoughts raced through my mind as I began to come to grips with the reality that I was either dead, dying, or about to die. Who would find my body? How long would it be before they found me? Did I do anything during my time here that would matter in eternity? What did I have to show for the sum of my days? Honestly, I felt undone and if I had squandered my life and not accomplished anything at all that mattered. I was resigned to my fate, but wanted more time.
I wasn't ready to be dead and felt like the game was over before I was ready for it to be. I remember feeling a bit like a Thanksgiving turkey as the farmer approached with his axe. There was simply nothing I could do to escape, and I was powerless to change my fate. I remember praying to remind God of the fact that He is not a respecter of persons and that if He was willing to add an additional 15yrs to the life of King Hezekiah then He could do the same for me. I didn't beg or grovel for more time, I simply acknowledged my desire to get my house in order and to be given another opportunity to leave something behind for my children and grandchildren to be proud of. I wasn't sure whether my prayer would be efficacious or not, but it was worth a shot. I don't remember what happened after that other than that I awoke around 10am the following morning in a very foggy haze.

Today is +13...the thirteenth day since I woke up from death. It took 3 day for the effects of the gummy to fully wear off and exit my system. Whether I actually died or not I am unable to say. My son and brother both tell me that I just had a bad trip, but in my heart of hearts I believe something else happened and someone dropped another quarter or two into the machine so that I could continue playing the game just a little bit longer.

Perhaps the psychoactive component of the THCP got the better of me...I don't know for sure. I gave away the other two units I had purchased and will not be tempting fate by taking these again.

To anyone who does desire to live on the edge by trying these, good luck and God's speed to you. Make sure your temporal affairs are in order and that your will is up-to-date. If you do try this gummy, don't do them alone and be sure to have someone check on you periodically to make sure you are still alive. Like I stated previously, the warning label is there for a attention to it! Stay safe out there but just know, these things are likely FAR more potent than you remotely expect them to be...definitely not your typical gummy!

Emily (Dunlap, TN, US)

I had the blue raspberry ones. Took a half didn't feel a thing so thought maybe I just need a little more. Close to 2 hours later I felt myself slowly slip into acoma. I was for sure the reaper was waiting in the next room to take me to meet my maker. I was positive I had already passed or was close to it.. 3 days later I finally crawled from my hole in the bed not sure still if what I had seen was real. Long story short if you think you haven't taken enough you probably took too much already. Happy gardening!

Janet C. (Madison, TN, US)
This really did the job!

The description was to a tee, I had to lay down!

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