Zombi has eerily potent Legal THC products in the form of vapes and edibles. Their offerings range in blends and effects.
6 products
Blue Razz Gummies 200mg THC CBD
Blue Razz Gummies 200mg THC CBD
AK47 Zombi Box Disposable 6g THCa THCp
AK47 Zombi Box Disposable 6g THCa THCp
Godfather OG Zombi Box Disposable 6g THCa THCp
Godfather OG Zombi Box Disposable 6g THCa THCp
Zombi Specimen Gummies Wild Cherry 200mg THC CBD
Zombi Specimen Gummies Wild Cherry 200mg THC CBD
Zombi Specimen Gummies Paloma 200mg THC CBD
Zombi Specimen Gummies Paloma 200mg THC CBD
Chimera Zombi Box Disposable 6g THCa THCp